Wednesday, December 9, 2009

We need to pass the 28th Amendment

The 28th Amendment
First and foremost, we shall take the principles enumerated in the Declaration of Independence and add them to the Constitution. And we shall do this because these thirteen principles serve to both justify the American People (concerning their right to take action) and to obligate the American People to take action (in times of tyranny.) Additionally, these thirteen principles shall (having been made law) form the basis for the limitations, rights, powers and obligations of the Popular Branch.
Next, we shall strengthen the Bill of Rights. This is the centerpiece to my strategy, because (although the Bill of Rights is the exact type of legislation needed to help ensure human rights) it lacks teeth; it lacks a strong advocate and executive who will ensure its enforcement. We, the American people, shall be that strong advocate, executive and agent of enforcement. We shall be the grand executors of ‘the Founders” will, as expressed through the Bill of Rights.
Then, we (‘We the People’) shall establish certain controls over those we elevate over ourselves (those elected officials whom we send to Congress to ‘re-present’ our interests.) They (our members of Congress) shall have both monetary and electoral controls placed on them by the American People.
Lastly, we shall establish the consequences and punishments for violation of the Bill of Rights and other popular protections as outlined in the 28th Amendment, the Bill of Rights and the rest of the Constitution of the United States.