Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How the Bank bailout should have gone: 2 birds with one stone

If the banks got a bailout when they were on the brink then the American People should have gotten one as well (from the banks.) The Government should have had the banks give them lists of all the people who owe them credit card debt, along with the amounts due, and wrote out checks to them all.

The Federal Checks should have been made out to the banks in the name of the debtor- that way Wall Street would have gotten their 'much needed bailout' and the American People would have gotten one as well. The fact that this did not occur is the reason why the economy has not picked up.

So to all you brain boys in George- know this: You can pump all the money you want into the greedy hyper-capitalists on Wall Street but so long as us average Americans are still in debt, broke and unemployed- this economy is going no-where. Because being broke, in debt, and unemployed do not inspire people to invest money and or start making purchases (which is how economies speed up and grow.)

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